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Northern Israel Was Declared By The State Of Israel As A High Priority Area For Promotion And Development, Entited To Special Benefits From The State.

The land we offer is located about four miles southwest of Lake Kineret, Within the boundaries of the State of Israel..

Israel is geographically divided into three parts:

  1. The Southern part, the Negev, also known as the desert area
  2. The Central part, which is expensive and tightly populated
  3. The Northern part, which consists of mostly peaceful countryside, is known for its green pasture and crisp water.

Located in the centre of the north is the city of Tiberius which includes holy sites, tourist attractions, healing hot water springs, hotels, and the beautiful Lake Kineret (Sea of the Galilee).

Due to environmental preservation groups and green activities, opposition to the expansion of cities in the central part, and the government's intention to preserve the natural environment of this area, the future outlined plans of construction in Israel are mostly devoted to the northern territory.

Air pollution in big cities has caused people to move out and settle in clean areas, such as the Kineret area where the air is fresh and the surroundings are clean.

The land we offer is located about four miles southwest of Lake Kineret, Within the boundaries of the State of Israel. Due to its location, it is not subject to political negotiations and is far from the international border.

The result of the construction of Highway 6; a road connecting the south to the north, travel time to the Kineret from the centre of Israel is much less than it used to be; now it is only about 90 minutes. A trip from Haifa to the Kineret takes around half an hour.

This beautiful valley is surrounded by the pastoral towns of Teveriya, Moshava Kineret, Yavne'el, Kfar Tavor, Sarona, Migdal, and Alumot.

It is worth mentioning that the famous Jewish wealthy investor, Barron Rothschild, was the original owner of these lands. He later sold the premises to the newly arrived Zionists in order to build and establish the site and be used for agricultural purposes.

Lately, lower- Galilee potential has been discovered by real estate entrepreneurs and has become an attractive area for investment. There are future plans to expand the towns and its residential areas, along with a shopping centre, hotels, and parks. These are the elements that will positively influence and increase the value of the properties in this area.

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